Brandon Cantú dobla a través de Eli Elezra

17 de marzo, 2009

With the board showing [Kh8d6dJs] on the turn and about 26,000 already in the pot, Brandon Cantu is all in for a little more than 10,000 with [AhKd] (pair of kings) against Eli Elezra’s [Jc8c] (two pair, jacks and eights). 

Cantú, el campeón del año pasado, necesita un as, un rey o un seis para seguir con vida, y la carta del river es... ¡el [6s]! 

In a moment reminiscent of last year’s run, Brandon Cantu catches the card he needs exactly when he needs it to win the pot. 

Brandon Cantú – 53,000
Eli Elezra – 48,000

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