Trofeo WPT

partypoker WPT Praga

Casino del Rey de Praga

1 de diciembre de 2015

Wang toma de Helkki

/ Nivel 8: 300/600 (75)

Michael Wang, who has hovered around starting stack for much of this Day 1a, squeezes a Gaelle Baumann bet that was called by Piira Helkki from 1,500 a 4,000. that's too rich for Baumann, but Helkki comes along to the flop of corazón kClub de 3Club de 8 . Una apuesta de 3600 from Helkki, a call from Wang. The turn is the Club de 7 y ambos jugadores pasan. el río es Club de 9, putting four clubs on the board. Helkki bets 7200, and Wang goes into the tank.

Wang sizes up the bet and his opponent before calling, and being shown Helkki's bluff of just pala Acorazon j . Incredibly, however, Wang turns over his winning hand of 'just' pala kdiamante k - a set of every king bar the king of clubs.

No clubs... but no problem making a tough call. Superstar stuff.

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Javier Gomez$190,347