La mesa 25 es una mesa resistente

/ Nivel 11: 1,500-2,500 (2,500)

As the field gets smaller and smaller a table to watch out for is most certainly Table 25 as it has three WPT Champions Club members and a few pros. 

Here's a look at how they stacked up at the start of day: 

Asiento 1: Daniel Colpoys - 201,000
Asiento 2: Frank Stephuchin - 304,000 (WPT Champ)
Asiento 3: David Lambard - 88,000
Asiento 4: Carl Smith - 121,000
Asiento 5: Michael Wasserman - 113,000
Asiento 6:Jim Collopy- 114,500
Asiento 7:Daniel Strelitz- 144,000 (WPT Champ)
Asiento 8:Anthony Zinno- 122,500 (3x WPT Champ)
Asiento 9:Charles Lee- 189,500 

Evento completado
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Ky Nguyen$357,380
el casino de los jardinesReserve ahora usando el código de grupo "3067" o el nombre de grupo "World Poker Tournament"