Trofeo WPT

WPT Alpha8 Las Vegas

Bellagio Resort & Casino

18 de diciembre de 2015

Sean Winter se duplica a través de Adrian Buckley

/ Nivel 11: 6,000-12,000 (1,000)

sean invierno

Sean Winter raises from the cutoff and Adrian Buckley three-bets to around 150,000 out of the small blind. Winter takes a moment and then moves all in for 464,000. Buckley gets an exact count from the dealer and then calls.

It's a race for Winter's tournament life with his Corazón Qdiamante q up against Buckley's Corazón acorazón k. se acaba el tablero Club de 7Club de 4Pala 2Diamond 2Pala 6 and Winter's queens hold up to win the race and double up.

Sean invierno- 945,000
Adrián Buckley- 195,000

Evento completado
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