Trofeo WPT

Abierto de Póquer WPT Borgata

Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa

18 de Septiembre de 2010

Ryan Carey eliminado por Jeremy Brown

/ Nivel 17: 2,000-4,000

Ryan Carey raises to 8,500 from the hijack and Jeremy Brown reraises all-in from the small blind having Carey's 65,000 chip stack covered.  Carey deliberates briefly and calls with [AdQh] and he is behind Brown's [AsKh].  The board runs out [Tc7s6d8d4d] and Brown's hand holds to take the pot y eliminar a Carey.

Jeremy Brown- 160,0000
Ryan Carey - eliminado

Brown is one of four players who made the final table of this event last year who are still alive in the event.  Reigning champ Olivier Busquet, third place finisher Ivan Mamuzic, and fifth place finisher Keith Crowder are part of th Day 3 campo también.

Evento completado
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