Mano #256 - Binh Nguyen tiene el botón y la ciega pequeña.
Nguyen sube a 500,000, Cimpan hace all-in y Nguyen se retira.
Mano #257 - Andrew Cimpan tiene el botón y la ciega pequeña.
Cimpan limps, and Nguyen checks. They check to the turn on [Kh9c7s4h], Nguyen apuesta 400,000, y pliegues de Cimpan.
Mano #258 - Binh Nguyen tiene el botón y la ciega pequeña.
Nguyen se mueve all in para 3,975,000, and Cimpan asks for a count. Cimpan stands up and says, "I call." Cimpan shows [KcJs], which dominates Nguyen's [Kh5d]. Nguyen needs to improve to stay alive.
El flop viene [9d9s8h], and Cimpan retains the lead. The turn card is the [3h], and Nguyen needs a five to win, or an eight or a three to chop.
La carta del río es -- el [5do]!
The crowd explodes into applause and laughter -- even Cimpan's friends. It's nothing but ironic laughter at the situation tonight.
Binh Nguyen gana el pot con dos pares, nueves y cincos, para volver a duplicar el liderato en fichas.
Andrés Cimpan- 5,950,000
Binh Nguyen- 7,950,000