Trofeo WPT

WPT Doyle Brunson Cinco Diamantes Clásico Mundial de Poker

Bellagio Resort & Casino

14 de diciembre de 2009

Cory Carroll dobla a través de Jamie Rosen

/ Nivel 12: 1,500-3,000

Jamie Rosen raises from early position to 7,800, Cory Carroll sube de posición desde el medio a 17,400, Rosen reraises to 52,000, and Carroll moves all in. (The preflop action comes courtesy of Gavin Smith, sitting at the same table.)

Rosen calls with 9-9, but Carroll dominates him with [QcQh]. Rosen never improves, and Cory Carroll wins the pot.

Cory Carroll-  260,000
Jamie Rosen-  86,000

Evento completado
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