Trofeo WPT

partypoker WPT Praga

Casino del Rey de Praga

1 de diciembre de 2015

Chidwick participó temprano

/ Nivel 1: 50/100 (0)

Stephen Chidwick has been in his seat from the start here on Day 1a of the WPT Main Event in Prague.

He raised it to 250 pre-flop, called only by Anton Afanasyev. the flop of Club KPala 9Club K brought another bet from Chidwick, to 200, again called by Afanasyev.  On the turn of Diamond 5 both players checked, before Afanasyev led for 400 on the river of Diamond 8 . Chidwick llamó y se le mostró Diamante adiamante j por su oponente. Chidwick se dio la vuelta Club de 7Club de 9 y lo bajó.

En la siguiente órbita, Chidwick se retiró en un flop ante Dylan Linde después de que este último apostara el turn en un Pala 10Corazón 9Pala 7Club de 6 board. There was 1300 in the middle, pre-flop, so Chidwick takes a slight dip.

Evento completado
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