Trofeo WPT

WPT Alpha8 Las Vegas

Bellagio Resort & Casino

18 de diciembre de 2015

Byron Kaverman eliminado por David Sands

/ Nivel 9: 4,000-8,000 (1,000)

David Sands sube a 20,000 from the cutoff and Byron Kaverman moves all in from the small blind for about 200,000. Sands calls and the cards are tabled.

Espectáculos de arena Corazón adiamante j and is in great shape against Kaverman's pala jPala 9. se acaba el tablero Club Adiamante qPala 10Pala 5Club de 4. Kaverman can't find a spade, a king, or an eight on the river to stay alive and is eliminated.

David Arenas- 680,000
Byron Kaverman - Eliminated

Evento completado
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