Se anuncia la bolsa de premios del WPT National China

With 882 players, the WPT National China Main Event generated a prize pool of RMB 8.8 million ($1.39 million). A total of 108 spots will be paid, and the winner will bank RMB 1.54M ($244,000), along with a luxurious Aurae Solid Gold MasterCard with $10,000 loaded onto it. Here’s a snapshot of the complete payout list: WPT…

Matt Clark
30 de octubre de 2015

WPT Nacional China

With 882 players, the WPT National China Main Event generated a prize pool of RMB 8.8 million ($1.39 million). A total of 108 spots will be paid, and the winner will bank RMB 1.54M ($244,000), along with a luxurious MasterCard Aurae Oro Sólido con $ 10,000 cargados en él.

Tarjeta Dorada Aurae

Aquí hay una instantánea de la lista completa de pagos:

Lista de pagos del evento principal del WPT National China
1 ¥ 1,540,000
2nd ¥ 1,080,000
3rd ¥ 700,000
4 ¥ 515,000
5 ¥ 385,000
6 ¥ 311,000
7 ¥ 258,000
8 ¥ 205,000
9 ¥ 154,000
10mo-12vo ¥ 115,000
13mo-15vo ¥ 92,000
16mo-18vo ¥ 79,000
19 al 21 ¥ 70,000
22nd-24th ¥ 62,000
25mo-27vo ¥ 55,000
28mo-36vo ¥ 47,000
37mo-45vo ¥ 40,000
46mo-54vo ¥ 34,000
55a-63a ¥ 28,000
64to-72do ¥ 25,000
73ro-81ro ¥ 22,000
82nd-90th ¥ 19,000
91st-99th ¥ 17,000
100mo-108vo ¥ 15,000


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